What Are These Dark Patches on My Face?
You’ve likely seen it before, maybe even on yourself. At first, you may think it’s just a shadow or smudge. But then the terrible truth strikes, it’s “permanently there.” This is known as hyperpigmentation, which is the darkening of pigment on the skin due to sun damage or melasma. Pesky little souvenirs from your summer sun, or post pregnancy hyperpigmentation are common. Although uneven complexion can really affect your self-esteem, good news is, its possible to get rid of.
Hyperpigmentation is a broad term that refers to a skin condition in which the skin is discolored or darkened, and it can be brought on by many different factors. Sun, stress, estrogen (hello, melasma!), trauma and other stimuli can all spark the condition. Another form of hyperpigmentation is PIH- Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation. This type is when you see small little dark spots left behind by old acne marks.
It can affect people of all skin types; the older you get and the darker your genetic skin color is, the more likely you are to have hyperpigmentation. Yes, it’s a bummer, but it isn’t irreversible.
If you are a sufferer of hyperpigmentation you are likely on a mission to get your skin restored, which means you should be on your new favorite product, Koji Pads!
Whats the hype you ask?
They are a very effective medical grade product that works to lighten deep and surface pigment. Ingredients include koji-acid + salicylic acid that greatly reduces and lightens pigment for all skin types! This is my go-to daily pad recommendation for those who struggle with hyperpigmentation, but there are also many other benefits with Koji Pads; pore tightening, brighter appearance to your skin, and acne reducing. Part of this awesome product that gives a punch is glycerin, which helps to hydrate the skin. Therefore it is not necessary to put moisturizer on top.
Koji pads are a great daily solution to start to tackle the hyperpigmentation, but there are also a couple other recommendations I have!
A sufferer of Hyperpigmentation should consider these things
Wear medical grade face sunscreen EVERY SINGLE DAY… My favorites ..(PCA, Colorscience)
When exposing yourself to direct sunlight and the outdoors, wear a hat.
Consider doing a chemical peel or Intense Pulse Light (IPL) during the seasons where you aren’t in the sun. Although these treatments may be a huge help to you, you may not be the right candidate for these, so be sure to discuss options with the specialist providing these services to you.
Getting your skin to a good place can be a marathon at times, so be patient. It’s easy to feel like it’s never going to “get better,” but it’s a process. Be patient with yourself.
So, whether you are a twenty-something dealing with acne-related hyperpigmentation or a sixty-something with a growing collection of sunspots, there are steps you can take today to improve your skin for tomorrow (and for years to come!)
If you are on a mission to correct your hyperpigmentation reach out and we can help set up with a new routine catered to your needs.
With some TLC and consistency, your face will be looking better soon!
Emily Giddings, RN