The Who, What, Where, Why, When and How of Emsculpt Neo!
The new generation of body contouring technology has arrived and we're giving you the real skinny on how it works! We all have our reasons for wanting to change our bodies. Some like the idea of thinness, some want more muscle, so what if we told you we could help with both at the same time in a single procedure!? Today we’re talking all about EMSCULPT NEO and everything you need to know. 30% fat loss and 25% muscle gain on average sounds pretty great right? Let’s get to it!
The first thing we need to cover, what is EMSCULPT NEO and the question we all like to ask, does it really work?! Because the last thing we want is time wasted in your already busy day. We're all about efficiency over here at Giddie Skin.
EMSCULPT NEO is the first and only FDA approved non-invasive body shaping procedure that uses radiofrequency heating for fat reduction, high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM®) to strengthen muscles in a 30 minute session. The end result? More of both than ever before: more toning without any long term damage or discomfort and less time spent waiting around between treatments with this new technology. Best of all, EMSCULPT NEO has a broad patient appeal as it can treat patients up to BMI 35.
Does it really work…. short answer, heck yes it does! EMSCULPT NEO and embedded high intensity magnetic field (HIFEM) were developed in a clinical trial, with seven successful studies to date. FMSS ranked it number one spot on their list this year; but don't just take our word for it, 30 scientific publications make HIFEM the most intensively researched body contouring technology since its introduction in 2018.
For some of us the 30% fat loss and 25% muscle gain on average is enough to say sign me up! But for others we need a bit more information on how this really does work. So, we’ve got you covered.
EMSCULPT NEO is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies. Due to the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. With a series of 4 treatments clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat. Bypassing the brain limitations, HIFEM+ energy contracts 100% of the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary workout. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt, resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. With a series of 4 treatments on average the muscle volume increases by 25%.
The procedure - simple and easy. There is no pre-preparation required for this procedure. You will lay down while the applicators are applied over the treatment area for 30 minutes. During the treatment you may feel intense yet tolerable muscle contractions along with heating sensation which is comparable to hot stone massage. Intense, yet never painful. You’re in good hands.
EMSCULPT NEO can help you get the body of your dreams, all without breaking a sweat! So who is it really for? Well, if you can benefit from less fat and more muscle, EMSCULPT NEO procedure may be a great fit for you. Not only that but it can also treat patients with BMI of up to 35. For those looking for no down time, EMSCULPT NEO is perfect and Liposuction and non-invasive device alternatives cannot be compared. EMSCULPT NEO is a completely non-invasive procedure. It does not require surgery, needles, anesthesia, or any downtime. There is no other device in the aesthetic field that treats both fat and muscle in a single treatment.
What areas can be treated with EMSCULPT NEO you ask? EMSCULPT NEO can be applied over the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms & calves. You can't help but wonder where all that pesky fat goes after an EMSCULPT NEO session. After the treatment, the dead fat cells are flushed out from the body through metabolic processes. The rest is flushed out by the body. However, the procedure does not help with weight reduction. The therapy helps reduce your fat and build your muscles. Now we’re sure you're wondering, can it come back? The answer to that is yes in the same way you can lose and gain muscle. With a healthy lifestyle your results will be maintained.
How long do you have to wait before seeing the results of your investments in this procedure? We know that it's probably one of, if not "the," most important question. Well each patient’s results may vary but the best time to see the final results is in 3 months after the last treatment. EMSCULPT NEO treatment does not require any pre-treatment preparations and you can resume your regular lifestyle right after the treatment, BONUS! It is recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and proper hydration for best results. The best part of all! There is no downtime with this procedure. Once completed, you can immediately get back to your daily routine! Like we said, efficiency always.
So why do you need EMSCULPT NEO in your life? Because with two therapies in a single procedure, it's the best of both worlds. We will say it one more time for those in the back, efficiency always wins! The end result is more fat reduction and muscle growth than any single gold standard product, for less time and less money. At Giddie Skin we believe feeling strong and confident is key, and we’re here to help you do just that! Giddy up!
Emily Giddings, RN